An autobiographical ballet to the music by Sergey Kurekhin for one dancer and a black cat.

"A ballerina during the apocalypse crosses the boundary of the material world and dances to the rhythm of the heart that has left the body. With the help of twine, she crosses the line that separates logic and rational thought from sacred freedom. She is surrounded by spirits, so many that every day she invites one of them to dance with her. Most of all, the spirits love to dance the tango and African dances with her. Along the metaphysical corridors of the future with her goes a black cat, her main otherworldly friend. Electricity and love are generated from her pirouettes. She dances herself, because in material life she is no longer there, she moved to more interesting dimensions",
- Olga Tsvetkova.

"I've been developing schizophrenia in me for years. At first I cultivated two people in me. There are two incompatible, mutually exclusive, but coexisting people in my body. Now I have reached such a level that there are about six to ten people in me. Each of them has his own character, his own life, his own affections, his own abilities. They just use my body. And so they are friends, they quarrel, they communicate with each other. And I am something that doesn't exist. I am such an aggregate of all these different people inside me, but there is no me as such."
- Sergey Kuryokhin

During the performance there will be music by Sergey Kuryokhin: "It" music for the movie (track #3), Divine Madness, A.Vapirov Invocations, "Tragedy in the style of rock", "Opera of the Rich".

Ballerina - Olga Tsvetkova,
Black cat - cat Margolin.
Video - Ilona Borodina.
Translation into sign language - Kozhemyakina Anastasia.

Sergey Kurekhin Center for Contemporary Art / St. Petersburg


Ballet magazine