2014. Moscow

An inter/antidisciplinary work that was staged as part of the Black Box residency at the Vsevolod Meyerhold Center (TSIM) in collaboration with playwright Mikhail Durnenkov, composer Vladimir Gorlinsky and sound artist Oleg Makarov.

The work was shown as part of the TSEKH Festival, Moscow; selected for the Russian Case 2015 program as part of the Golden Mask Festival; regularly played in the repertoire of the Vsevolod Meyerhold Center. The performance was included in the top ten theatrical productions of 2014 (Afisha Air's choice).

An inter/antidisciplinary performance in which not music itself but the laws of music, not drama but the laws of drama, not dance but the laws of movement are used in the composition of the performance.

Choreographer, dramaturge, composer and sound artist come together to capture the 'moment', introducing for themselves the practice of exchanging roles throughout the production process. The issues that the artists address in this work: the impossibility of freedom in the context of our country, the lack of freedom from a personal past, the inability to free oneself from one's own habits accumulated due to the tension and fear of life.

The main tool that was mastered and honed by the 4 performers was a continuous state of unawareness, a heightened attention to their own feelings and the world around them. What interested the choreographer in this work was the possibility of spontaneous movement created by the performer at a specific moment in time in front of the audience; this practice allowed the performer to shimmer, to manifest his personal qualities through ordinary and artistic movement. There was not a single movement in the performance that was pre-choreographed by the choreographer.

Artistic team:

Choreographer — Olga Tsvetkova
Dramaturge — Mikhail Durnenkov
Composer — Vladimir Gorlinsky
Sound artist — Oleg Makarov
Scenography and light design — Konstantin Lipatov
Performers - Vitalik Borovik, Pavlos Melikidis, Alisa Melioranskaya, Anna Khlestkina.
The piece is produced by Meyerhold theatre center (Moscow).