Theater piece on ghosts / graduation piece at the master program DAS theatre at AHK.

I invited three artists from different disciplines to join me in co-creating our own truth about what is ghost. After two months of collective research, we realized that ghosts are not really about the fear of death; they are about the fear of being stuck in constant repetition and a complete lack of memory. A ghost is a phenomenon that exists in a state of constant return. Even though they have no memory, they have a longing to return to their past existence, their own history. This feeling of knowing something important and further forgetting it has accompanied me for the past few years. It has become clear to me that the most important thing is not to remember what it was, but the melancholic state itself, the very process of longing, the very movement towards a place and time where you will coincide with reality.

Elegy is the collision of the essential with the absurd - a man who fails at being a ghost, a ghost who fails at being a man. We have tried to elevate, to lift higher the laughable reading of the ghost above itself, to transform it into something we don't know.

Elegy is the territory of doubt. What we are interested in is the discrepancy between what we see and what things really are. We don't know which reality is real. And maybe the theater shows us the real reality. It makes us question whether what we see or hear is the real reality or only our conventional concepts of it.

Ghostwriters: Olga Tsvetkova, Leo Svirsky, Mirko Lazović, Marc Maris and James Hewitt.
Dramaturgy of Ghosts: Yannis Kyriakides, Andrea Božić.
Chorus of Ghosts: Ogutu Muraya, Valentiina Lutseenko, Abhishek Thapar, Burkhard Körner, Niels Weijer, Biljana Radinoska, Sofia Dinger, Clara García Fraile.
Ghost Design: Chi Gar Fung.
Thanks to: Philippe Quesne, Alissa Šnaider.
DAS theatre, Amsterdam 2017.


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